Stating the obvious |
Well that snuck up quietly ‘The Rugby World Cup’ I had no idea when it was about to start until someone was mouthing off on Facebook about no Coronation Street tomorrow night. I would take issue with the description of World Cup has most of the world has no idea or interest in rugby.
Yes, I am a long time rugby hater so it will have little effect on me but I figure my social media will be full of rugby chatter. I was lucky my dad was a football fan with no interest in rugby it was not as if he told be football or rugby that decision was all mine.
I have been rather diplomatic with the use of the word rugby so let me call it what it is ‘Eggby’. I can honestly say there is not a bone in my body that could be given over to or have an interest in egg chasing.
This hatred is not a yesterday thing this goes back to the 70s the so-called heyday of Welsh eggby the time of Barry John, Gareth Edwards and JPR Williams when you were considered a freak if you weren’t a fan.
The only time I hate living in Wales is when some eggby international game is on because the Welsh media goes ape sh*t about the game. It has been building for the last week or so and then, Max Boyce, appears on our TV screen. The local news has endless interviews with fuckwit, ex-players who can just about pronounce their own name let alone conduct a lucid chat.
I remember the rugby mad sports teacher at my oldest son’s primary school asking if my son could turn out for the rugby team because they were short on players. Ok my son was up for it but he was nearly decapitated by the fat boy on the opposing team.
Thank god, this World Cup is on ITV so we don’t have to put up was endless mini dramas courtesy of BBC Wales while our beautiful town centre is full of idiotic fans with large daffodils and leek and daffodil hats. If you got a box and made a hole for a toilet roll, paint it black, and put it on your shoulder what do you get. A bunch of eggby fans waving at themselves ‘look at me I’m on TV’.
Consider the scrum, why, that’s it why bother, 16 men push themselves back and forth but look towards the north of England and rugby league their kind of scrum is simpler and quicker while back in the union game, collapsed scrums and balls not going in straight slows the game down. That’s why I like rugby league over union so I do like some rugby.
Take Wales’s first game home to Uruguay on Saturday. Uruguay that bastion of rugby where they live and breathe the game.
Winding up my rant I would like to offer you this parting shot: You can abuse me as much as you want; you can call me a traitor; you can insult my Welshness. So please, please, please, do not call me a rugby supporter, interested in rugby, watching rugby, chatting about rugby but you can prepare for some sarcasm. I’m a NIMTY - Not In my Timeline but I can’t really defend un-friending people over rugby I believe in democracy.
On a lighter note, have you tried playing football with a rugby ball? It’s more fun than playing the game.