I see in one of the Sunday papers so called X Factor sensation Andrea Faustini plans to stay in the country once he wins the Factor.
By all accounts he has won (according to the paper interview) based on the reception he has received by just being on the programme. You may be wondering why I am wasting my time on a TV show I despise more than any other programme on the TV in the UK. Because do we need another X Factor Z-lister to add to the many the show already produces from the so call home grown talent ‘can’t believe I just said talent’.
I am proud to say I have never watched it and so proud I would be willing to shout it from the rooftops. My extensive knowledge of the show can be put down to shows like Good Morning Britain and the reams of news in the junk press. Has I see it, it is just a cash cow for Simon Cowell who as is fingers in just about everything. It wouldn’t be the X-Factor without the sob stories of the contestants, I mean, if they haven’t had a relative die recently or a terminal illness in their past then heaven forbid should they win! If is not some family tragedy next best thing is a young life of bullying but don’t worry if it neither of those two something can be dug up for a tear or two.
Don’t even get me started about the Christmas number one attempt we now have to put up with every year. Each year I pray for a peoples champion to rise and do battle with the dark side of Christmas.
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