Thursday 10 November 2016

Roast Chicken Crisps - Dieting

Even as we speak, I am on a diet to drop a few pounds that crept up on me in a ninja-like fashion. Ok it is stones not pounds. I exercise on a regular schedule walking to the toilet a few times a day if I had one of those step counters I may do round 1000 steps a day regular if you include doing the cooking. You have to be very careful not to over exercise you could become addicted but there is little chance of that happening to yours truly.

I try to watch what I eat. I still have to make course corrections from time to time. This usually involves me having to give up another of my favourite foods. But I am weak and somehow they slip back on my menu nullify all my hard work and sincere efforts.

Today I felt compelled to share with you a dark secret that I have been harbouring for several weeks now. I am back on the crisps, particular Walkers Roast Chicken flavour after months of going without and I feel like a failure. I only realised this morning when the girl in the shop mentioned she had not seem me buy any for a while. She went on to remind me that when her dad when to the warehouse he would always buy two boxes of Chicken crisps while just a box of the other flavours.

I have now promised myself never again will a packet of Chicken flavour crisp pass my lips again. Well I cannot really say never there is bound to be a special occasion at some point where it will be impossible to turn them down.

With Christmas around the corner, getting back on my diet will be hard. I found myself thinking why not chuck the diet in until after Christmas … It is tempting but this happens every year and the stones they are not for moving.

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