Sunday 6 December 2015

Christmas 1989 - A Blur - Franklins pasties

I asked the wife to pick a year and she said 1989 but here is the thing, I can’t really remember because it was a blur being a parent now. It was such a busy time I really can’t remember much than being at the beckon call of our boys. My oldest son was four and was getting the whole Christmas thing while is brother 13 months younger was noticing it but baby David was months old without a care in the world.

At least they were young enough to stay in bed and innocent enough to believe in the whole Father Christmas story. Although my oldest boy was beginning to wonder why I left a plate of Franklins pasties and a can of beer out for Santa. No mince pies, milk and carrots for Father Christmas here son but the year it was a Clarkies, the game was over.

When kids are that young the pressure on your pocket was negligible because of their innocents it’s before the Christmas demands and list. Before Power Ranger, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and WWF wrestling figures those nightmare presents you never seem to find until after the Christmas holidays. Seen the film ‘Jingle All the Way’ where the father character Arnold Schwarzenegger is running all over the place looking for the latest Christmas craze Turbo Man action doll, I have kind of been there without the drama.

As my boys grew, I have concluded that after 1985 Christmas Day was a blur until I started writing about them. I remember when my sisters were young I could just sit back and watch but when you’re a dad your work never ends at least until dinner is over.

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