Sunday 27 December 2015

Fatboy - EastEnders - Soap Me

I am not a fan of the soap’s, hate them really but I do have a soft spot for EastEnders from back in the olden days but there was enough interest there to see what happen to Fatboy.

From what I saw on social media last night there was a lot of anger flying in the direction of East Enders and the writers for killing off the loveable character. He was killed after being caught in the crossfire of the Hubbards and the Mitchells and was way out of his league.

The plot leading to his demise came to fruition when Ronnie Mitchell hired a couple of thugs to scare Vincent Hubbard and lock him away in the boot of his car in the Mitchells garage. Fair enough, we knew someone was in the back when Ronnie when over to gloat in an earlier episode for all intent and purpose it was Vincent we were lead to believe.

Last night all the T were crossed leading to the reveal. We see Ronnie looking at a blank space in the Mitchells garage were the car was and Vincent walking up behind her. We found out she hired some heavies to kidnap Vincent, as she put it to tie him up gag him and throw him in the boot of his car and take him for a drive to the local scrap yard, Vincent looked shock hearing what was coming out of her mouth.

Fast forward to the scrap yard and Vincent is first on the scene and manages to give a smack to one of the heavies stopping the crane as the car is dropped into the car crusher. The car looks relatively undamaged not crushed he was able to open the boot with no trouble. On opening the boot, his face is full of horror as he reach’s in bringing out Fatboys neck chain. Fatboys phone rings it is Dot asking if he will be home later.

So if he was not crushed to death how did he die? Was it the fear of being in a confined space which was alluded to in an earlier episode or was it Ronnie’s heavies.

Ronnie pulls up in a car at the scrap yard with half her family in tow asking Vincent who was in the boot he just looked at them and walked away. Later he lets her off the hook by telling her the boot was empty. But hang it would be easy to work it out even for a Mitchell. Who is Vincent right hand man, the only member of his gang and friend sometimes … Fatboy.

Even if Ronnie is that much of an idiot when she goes to collect her baby at Dots she is bound to ask her if she seen Fatboy. Has for Vincent only a few episodes ago he was himself threatening Fatboy with a nasty accident if he didn’t leave town. Always interesting in Albert Square.

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