Sunday 17 April 2016

Size does matter ... apparently - The hunt beings

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They say size doesn’t matter but I would like a bigger one as the one I have is a few inches too small. Get your mind out of the gutter! I am thinking along the lines of a new toy, a state-of-the-art dream machine – a new big screen TV.

At the moment I have to make do with a mega 32” screen (joke there) I have held off buying a new TV for years and it has no remote control meaning if I need to put the sound up or down I have to do it manually. What is this the dark ages?

The problem is making up my mind as I find it hard. Recently I was of a mind to buy a new fridge freezer (American style) but my indecision saw me miss the one I wanted, on sale, it sold out when I did finally make my mind up.

There is really nothing wrong with the one we have except for the remote control issues. I expect the wife to tell me it probably has another year or two of life. However, I would continue to point out the lack of a remote, which is essential these days.

Shopping on the internet means no brainwashing salesman on your shoulder telling you that you could never find this TV anywhere at this price pointing out all the features on the TV knowing you need a degree when you get the information booklet out at home. What is the difference between LCD and LED TV? Do I care no, and what about a Plasma TV a bit dear on the pocket. No need for a smart TV with the entire amount of devices flowing around my house. My mobile, tablet, and laptop all cater for that option even the champion TV salesman couldn’t sell me a smart TV.

So the search will begin with the internet playing a major part in the exercise as I don’t believe in paying a penny more than I have to.

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