Monday 11 April 2016

Fear the Walking Dead - All at Sea - New Series

The new series of  the 'Fear the Walking Dead’ hit the air over the pond in America and will hit the TV screen here later tonight on AMC channel. My digital provider doesn’t carry the channel so it was an iffy internet stream for me.

The first series was ok but I was more than willing to give this new season a go because I love a bit of TV zombies. At the end of the last series, it ended with them leaving the city after the compound they were living in became compromised and we picked up exactly where it ended in the last episode.

Now we are moving off land to the water, which has always been my plan for a zombie/walker apocalypse and find a deserted island. The benefit of being on water is zombies can’t swim, they can float, and I did see a movie that showed zombies walking on the bottom of a river to get on the other side. They must be working on “water zombies”.

The families scrambled to get on the yacht and we still have no idea where the virus comes from
maybe we will never know. On the yacht, they feel relatively safe although there are still tensions between the characters but what about the owner of the yacht fully stocked with previsions so what’s his agenda. He must have one or want something nothing is free, payment in a future episode maybe?

Life on the ocean waves will not be all jolly deck games they will encounter danger at sea, which could be pirates or people like them. Others could see the boat and ocean as a good option but not prepared supplies wise. “We want your guns, food, water and you also have woman” is the usual demand. Before long, they come across a boat packed with potential survivors screaming for help. While some at first want to help, others open up the moral dilemma of them or us and if they were to help, their supplies would dwindle quickly so they don’t.

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