Sunday 24 April 2016

Tomorrow: When the war began - TV Review - War

Thanks to that iffy streaming site, I use that lets me view TV from around the world, I was able to give a viewing to the new Aussie series ‘Tomorrow When the War Began’ this morning.

Based on the novel written by John Marsden it’s a Aussie take on the American film ‘Red Dawn’ and will consist of six one-hour episodes covering the events of the novel. There was a 2010 film of the same name. It failed to find an impact on the international market but did well in Australia and New Zealand.

If you never saw the film it follows, a group of eight teenage friends who while on a remote camping trip in a place call Hell they find themselves in the middle of an unexpected war. It’s not until they return home they find their homes abandoned and their parents missing so the group head into town looking for answers.

There they see the townsfolk being rounded up into backs of lorries before moving them to the town’s showground. The teens split up with one group going to the showground where one of them spies her mum and friend. During a scuffle, the teens are spotted and the guards give chase and manage to get away and inflict some casualties on the pursuing guards.

The invaders are not named but it must be the Chinese who else in the area could pull off such a feat. I am not sure if it will be shown in this country maybe on a digital channel at a later date. if it does give it a viewing because I am looking forward to the second episode next week.

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