I am a couch/armchair potato and that is a fact. To prove that statement in this moment in time I am sitting in MY armchair, it is mine. While typing this for my blog this morning, I was watching Frasier out of the corner of my eye in-between eating some toast, and reading The Star newspaper, I feel very much the couch potato.
This is not some kind of lazy time for me it is 24/7 something I have developed into a fine art this couch potato technique which I have truly sorted. Any good couch potato, can sit watching TV for hours and with a laptop the world belongs to you, it’s a radio, a newspaper and so much more meaning you don’t have to leave your position in front of the television.
I really do not have a favourite show those I do have I make sure I save them to watch later because I channel hop, I am a serious hopper much to the annoyance of the family but I own the TV remote control.
I have over 245 channels to pick from and sometimes I cannot find anything worth watching so I retreat to the internet and the likes of YouTube. There is no need in this day and age to sit there watching something you do not like. I switched the TV on this morning at just after 6am and it will be on until maybe midnight even when no one is watching.
I would like some kind of man den/cave, a space for me. With a top of the range TV and lots of other gadgets and toys to keep me happy which is just one in a long line of fantasy all to be funded my some magical lottery win that will never happen.
Why bother with all this, you say? If you are sleepy or THAT lazy, go to bed! Obviously, you do not understand the point. Years of practice are needed to perfect a couch potato technique. The point is NOT to go to bed but to catch forty winks elsewhere.
Some might consider snacks or drinks essential for perfect potatoing (is that a word! Well it is now), however, much to the surprise of those who know I am not one for stuffing ones face while watching TV.
Too much time on my hands? Yes and then some! The best hours are those stolen when I should absolutely be doing other activities. Actually, I feel a bit drowsy right now. I think I’ll finish this post now I feel a nap coming.
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