Sunday 15 July 2018

Imagination - What makes a sexy/erotic picture?

I came across this picture earlier today and immediately thought, wow what a picture and it jumped out at me because I found the image was powerful and extremely interesting. First, it is in black and white, which I find far superior than colour. It interested me intensely and I like the fact I do not know anything about the image. Likely to be a film shot, I would thing but I could be wrong but I have no idea which film if it is.

The subject of the picture belongs to my imagination my first thought is she a prostitute leading a client to a room maybe working in a brothel where money would pass between the two for sex. She looks tired as if she knows these stairs intimately and most people I have asked their thoughts of the picture agree with my opening thoughts, lady of the night.

However, when I sat back and just looked at the picture there were a myriad of versions forming in my mind mostly of a sexual nature. It would not be me if sex were not involved in some description.
It could be a wife coming home warily from a party with a husband/boyfriend or maybe they have had an argument. An affair with her older married boss, possibly, she is being blackmailed for some indiscretion, and she does not want her husband to find out but now trapped.

On the other side of the coin she looks to knackered for some random one-night stand don’t you think, but would a bloke care. They could even be neighbours heading home after a night out, separately or maybe a stalker about to pounce on the woman. However, what if she could be the danger leading the man to his death. She could be a lesbian a man hater who likes to tease men be for killing them or a drunk wife being marched home after embarrassing her husband at a works Christmas party not saying that happen to me and the wife! Just saying it was a long walk home. I feel it is a sexual something about this picture, which oozes sex.

She looks Hispanic to me, Puerto Rican. She reminds me of a Puerto Rican girl from the film “West Side Story” it looks of that era the early sixties in America. I have aged her as either side of thirty soon has I saw the picture, I said it looks and feels late night. The dress suggests and looks incredible the way it clings to her body and shapes her behind and a bit of high heel is a beautiful sight. I see plenty to suggest sex in the picture but I get the feeling she is not interested in sex, she just wants to get out of these heels and get to bed with no sex.

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