Sunday 4 November 2018

Sunday Crush - Helen Mirren

I can’t say when or why just let me say that I have had a crush on the English actress from the seventies anyway. Besides been a damn good actress so much so, she started her career with an invite to join the Royal Shakespeare Company playing in a number of productions.

Her first Film was “Press for Time” a 1966 British comedy film starring Norman Wisdom she was uncredited. The film “Caligula” made her name when the producers for the film slipped in a number of hard-core sex scenes behind the stars backs some of the cream of British actors.

Passion of Ayn Rand
Has for Mirren her career went from strength to strength and can say she was never shy of taking her clothes and partake in sex scenes to many to name the Passion of Ayn Rand is a favourite. While looking back at her stuff I re-watched her infamous interview on the Michael Parkinson show who introduced her to the audience as the 'sex queen' of the Royal Shakespeare Company, told her she was good at 'sluttish eroticism' and asked if her 'equipment' got in the way of her being recognised as a serious actress (boobs).

General Boob Shot
She came down the studio stairs in a very ‘sluttish erotic’ way and asked Parkinson if that was slutty enough and I loved her quick put downs, she was great. Yes, she have and still as a great body and she is stacked with a find set of lungs but she has announced that her breasts have gone into retirement, boo. No more nude scenes, no more topless shots – “My pleasure pillows are purely for my husband now” what a lucky bastard.

Helen Mirren is gorgeous at any age, but her confidence and sassiness at the age of 73-years-old still makes her sexy, and damn is she sexy.

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