Friday 2 November 2018

Let the Christmas countdown begin

That letterbox of ours! One day it is taking, the TV licence dropped on the floor the next day its giving when our Tesco Christmas points arrive and we pocketed a cool £65.50p free money. Makes a small change the have and not pay out. I say free because its money we would not had if Tesco did not give a point for every pound we spent shopping there and why would you not.

So Christmas as officially begun, we have bought a few presents, I feel Christmas closing in. I spent our Tesco bonus already by shopping via the internet and saving my order and I have to wait until December to get a delivery date closer to Christmas. There is a problem with relying on deliveries … the weather. A few years ago, it was nearly a disaster due to the weather.

My butchers are costing their Christmas prices and if you have a butcher, who does a saving club you would be stupid not to join. I am on plan to reach my target before I have to send in my order and will be hoping for some new little treats having suggested a 12-inch Pig in Blanket all the rage in the supermarkets.

I collect my goodies on Christmas Eve soon as there open, there is always a sizeable queue, and I expect it to be bigger this year the shop has become extremely popular. Around the same time with have Tesco, saving stamps to spend and we are also on target with them. I am very OCD about Christmas and it is planned to the finest detail.

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