Thursday 25 June 2015

Will Calais ever end

How do you end the Calais problem? You can’t! Unless the border is shut tighter than George Osborne’s pockets. Because for everyone who reaches home base (Britain) is an incentive for more to keep trying.

During Prime Minister's questions, Mr Cameron said, "It is totally unacceptable scenes that we have all been witnessing in the last day." So why cut back the border force over the years, if its migrants its East European criminals or oversea students disappearing into the ether. Even yesterday after the chaos of the strike and while on TV are screens were full of migrants jumping into lorries still some were making it in to the UK. How were these migrants getting throw? Were the lorries searched or just waved through.

It’s not the government who have to deal with this siege on the roads around Calais but the British and other drivers who are sitting ducks for gangs of migrants looking to stowaway on UK-bound lorries. It’s not just lorries even holidaymakers are targeted with a school bus returning from a trip to France with two migrant’s hiding in the luggage compartment of their coach.

Leading French politicians are blaming Britain's 'black jobs market' and the fact UK has no identity papers you need in most of Europe to work. They forget these migrants are crossing their borders to get to the port towns. Some local French politicians are talking about closing the channel port, which would greatly affect the British economy. With thousands and thousands of migrants, crossing the Mediterranean some are bound to end up at Calais but how long before it spreads to other channel ports with the same intensity has Calais.

One illegal immigrant who broke through the“100 per cent” security checks at Calais and slipped through Dover turn up at Toddington services after a 106-mile journey underneath a lorry. Sitting at the side of the Car Park waiting for the police, Abdul Aziz, from Sudan was asked why he wanted to come to the UK he said, “England is good.” Going on to say, "I am a student and I want to learn. I want to go to university,” said the 22-year-old in broken English. Another comment he made was "I love London, the people”, how the hell does he know about London and it’s people.

I have a feeling all his ideas of life in the UK will lead to one disappointment after another the streets are not paved with gold he may have been better off staying in the ‘jungle’ outside Calais. He will probably attempt to claim asylum in a bid to avoid deportation. The UK border is full of holes that just landing here is a victory with two words getting your feet through the door, political asylum. He will inevitably be handed over to immigration authorities and then shipped off to an Immigration Centre where he will be stuck in limbo. He is likely to fail in the asylum bid many do and be returned back to the Sudan if possible.

We see very little evidence of families clambering into the back of the lorries most seem to be young men of varying nationalities who often fought pitch battles over the best spots to gain enter into the lorries.

For all those coming via the Channel ports there are just as many coming here with the golden ticket ‘a visas’ meaning they can legally enter Britain. Many intend to overstay their visas and just disappear.

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