Tuesday 16 June 2015

Game of Thrones Season Finale **Spoiler alert**

The Game of Thrones season finale was called ‘Mother’s Mercy’ but we see little of that in this episode with a few shocks thrown in to wet our appetite for the next series. We have now to wait ridiculously ten months until Thrones returns.
I think most fans were hoping Stannis' forces would take Winterfell but after sacrificing his own daughter in the previous episode at the behest of Lady Melisdandre, I wasn’t. That would mean the legitimized bastard son of Lord Roose Bolton, Ramsay Bolton would not get his comeuppance, a disappointment.
It was not going to be a good day for Stannis Baratheon. He woke up to find half his army had done a runner, taking all his horses he then finds his wife had hung herself. To top it off seeing how the wind was blowing his bit on the side Lady Melisdandre hit the road back to Castle Black. On arriving a Winterfell and before having a chance to draw breath the Bolton’s were upon him and his much-reduced forces. Next, we see Stannis wandering around the woods seeing off a few of Bolton’s men only to collapse to the ground where a vengeful Brienne finds him and after a little chat, she despatches him.
Meanwhile back at Winterfell Ramsay’s wife Sansa takes the chance to escape while her husband is busy. First she made her way to the tower to light a candle to single she was in need of help. Unknown to her the help she was calling was that of Brienne who was busy with the Stannis/Bolton set to and misses the single. With help, not coming Sansa decides it was now or never so she sets out to escape but she is intercepted by a bow wielding Miranda, a muse of Ramsay and by the Reek (Theon Greyjoy) who lived for many years with Sansa’s family.
When Miranda threatens to hurt Sansa the Reek who has been under Ramsay’s control finally has the balls (a bit of a joke there) to throw Miranda from the battlements to the courtyard below. With Ramsay returning, they both jump over the battlement into the snow below but have they survive for the next series.
At ‘Castle Black’ Jon Snow was feeling friendless after helping the wildlings over the wall so not the best time for your only friend, Sam to request a transfer. Sam was eyeing up a position as a Maester, which his character was always more suited to than a fighter. Jon Snow the Lord Commander of the ‘Black Watch’ came to an abrupt end, which was very annoying.
He was tricked into believing there was news of his uncle Benjen but all he found was a cross bearing the name ‘Traitor’. It was like the ‘Ides of March’ all over again has his former colleagues queued up to stick the knife it with his Brutus moment coming at the hands of the young lad Olly. With him lying there with blood pumping into the snow social media was awash with rumours that he was not dead
The instant Meryn Trant appeared with three young girls before him, I knew the defiant one was Arya until she looked up and I was puzzled. Oh she was wearing a mask and within seconds she was visiting death on Trant's it was vicious and graphic, she stabbed his eyes out stabbing umpteen times in the chest before cutting is throat.
We see Arya replacing the facemask she borrowed from the House of Black and White but Jaqen H'ghar has seen her.
'A girl has taken a life. The wrong life,' he tells her. 'That man's life was not yours to take. A debt is owed. Only death can pay for life.'
He then unveils a vial of poison - and drinks it himself. He falls to the ground dead as Arya shrieks in dismay. However, suddenly another Jaqen appears behind her. Confused, she reaches for the dead man's face and pulls it off to reveal another... and another, and another.
She continues to pull off his changing faces - until she reveals her own. Then the corpse's face begins to blur. When she turns to look to Jaqen for an explanation, she finds she is completely blind.
As Jaime and Myrcella sail away from Dorne, it just felt too easy. Had Ellaria given up on plotting and forgiven the Lannister’s for the death of her husband, of course not? With a kiss on the lips, Ellaria planted the seed of death on the young princess Myrcella.
There was time for Jaime to pass on the information that he wasn’t her uncle but her daddy, which she indicated she knew. You can be sure there will be some retribution handed out from the Lannister’s.
In Meereen, Daenerys is still missing after flying off on her dragon last week while Tyrion is left home to look after the palace along with Missandei and Grey Worm, Daario and Jorah head north in search of their missing Queen. While on the balcony watching Daario and Jorah ride off Varys resurfaced offering his to help Tyrion with knowledge of this enemies
Meanwhile, Daenerys was struggling with a wounded Dragon.
She wanders off and is captured by Dothraki warriors. Will they remember she was once married to Khal Drogo and was once there leader?
I have never been a fan of the wicked Cersei but as an actress in this episode, she was magnificent (and big up the body double). When the sister arrives, once again asking her to confess, she is clearly broken, and finally succumbs. In her confrontation with the High Sparrow, she admits she had sinned by sleeping with her cousin Lancel but vehemently denies her brother fathered her three children. He seems satisfied, telling her she can return to the Red Keep in the meantime. In her cell, stripped naked, roughly scrubbed clean before her hair is harshly cut off with a razor.
Brought in a robe out to the steps of the sept, where thousands of people have gathered to witness her walk of shame. To demonstrate her repentance, she is stripped of her robe and pushed forward, stark naked. As the eyes bore into her she is shoved forward to the sound of a ringing bell, and the call of 'shame, shame, shame' by the escorting sister.
At first, the crowd just stare silently, but things quickly turn ugly. They begin jeering, then shouting, then screaming obscenities. They throw food, filth, and excrement at her, spit in her face, and some even brandish their own genitals at her.
So the action packed episode over we have to wait until March/April of next year to see what happens next.

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