Monday 26 June 2017

OK I Watch Big Brother last Night

I am not a fan of Big Brother other than in memory of my dear old mum who love BB I watch the launch night and the finale night. I do have a bit more interest in Celebrity Big Brother depending who is going in.

Yesterday my social media timeline lit up especially Twitter with news of some guy called Lotan a Dreamboys stripper who was removed from the Big Brother house following an explosive ruckus in the house. I made the decision to watch the highlight show later in the evening.

I remembered most of the inmates from launch night with a few new faces. Savannah, wow from Ireland and Isabelle a strangely orange lady. Some help was provided on the previous night action via some flash back and it was spicy with Lotan and Isabelle at the centre of most of the arguing with Dreamboy at one point smashing his way our but cool down and later returned.

Last night it was the normal shit until the BB controllers dished out the alcohol to the inmates/kids and topping it off with a game that was always going to lead to trouble and insults to each other. I have seen this game by BB before where they lit a fuse in a group knowing it could spark conflict and generate ratings for a dying show.

The bad blood between Lotan and Isabelle was still simmering all Sunday after Saturday the whole group were tense. The housemates were handed a game sure to cause trouble and the game mixed with alcohol were they have to describe one another it soon kicked off. Isabelle told Lotan he was vain always checking himself out in the many mirrors around the house. Isabelle then said 'You're supposed to be a role model for your son as well.'

Clearly, touching a nerve with Lotan, he shouted: 'Can you stop talking, you are boring the s*** out of me.'
Enraged, Lotan jumps up and throws water at Isabelle, hitting other housemates and within seconds, everyone was shouting, pushing trying to have their say while Lotan heads for the dairy room with his little sidekick Tom who himself is on a final warming for sexual intimidation. Ellie (team Lotan) then attempts to block others trying to catch Lotan with it turning into a mega shouting and finger pointing fest. House security rushed in an attempt to quiet the situation down.

Lotan had been digging at Isabelle constantly from what I could see to her face and behind her back, and what kind of role model was that to his son or anyone. He deserved to be given the boot
He will be heading for the dole queue and the Dreamboys after kicked him out following his ejection from the Big Brother house for violent aggression on more than one occasion,

Releasing an official statement online, the Dreamboys company said: “We can confirm that Lotan is no longer a part of The Dreamboys. His contract with the group ended when he entered the Big Brother house, win, lose or draw, and he will not be returning to The Dreamboys show.

“Lotan had been part of The Dreamboys for seven years but we believe his time had come and Lotan wanted to pursue other ventures, which we recognised and respect.

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