Wednesday 20 December 2017

No snow Christmas Day - Rain - Wind - Make the best of it folks

As the song goes, “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas’ what a nice sentiment but that dream isn’t happening this Christmas Day in Cardiff my home city for sure. I will have to leave it to the TV for that elusive white Christmas because it nearly always snows on TV and films at this time of the year.

However, at the time of this post the chances are rain and high wind for the 25th not the Christmas most people are looking for or want. The perfect Christmas must involve snow surely. I couldn’t imagine Christmas in the hot climates and would never seek it out like some with holidays.

It’s not as if I want lots of snow just enough, an inch or two would be fine. I can picture my perfect white Christmas it never changes. I open the front door between seven, 7:30pm on Christmas Eve to the delivery guy bringing our Indian curry takeaway with his head, and shoulders showing the first sign of snow. Behind him, I can see the roofs across the road turning white that’s a picture perfect scenario for me.

I don’t want to look out on a blizzard from my bedroom window as I go to bed just a light falling of snow. The same in the morning as I open the front door for some brisk morning air. I am far too old for snowball fights or building snowmen but I love to feel the snow squelch underfoot a refreshing sound that squelch I do enjoy walking in virgin snow.

I never believe in the long weather forecast, which early in the year were predicting snow at Christmas they never get it right be it snow at Christmas or a heatwave in the summer.

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