Wednesday 9 August 2017

'This is all kinds of wrong' - Breakfast in a Jar

Plum Tree offering
I love an English breakfast, which is a Welsh breakfast as I live in Wales although it would be more diplomatic to call it a British breakfast. I regularly have breakfast at a café/pub called the Plum Tree, not the cheapest but better than most of the competition from many cafes and other pubs in the area.

I choose to eat there because of the ambiance and the space and for me what I regard as a quality breakfast. On offer on your plate Smoked streaky bacon, butcher’s sausages, a free range hen’s eggs (your way), potato cake, grilled mushroom and baked beans with toast & butter. No fried bread which is a pity but thankfully not missed when one is trying to watch ones weight.

Note I said plate! No shovel or a slab of slate pretending to be a plate because it looks trendy to the owner and chef, all arty. While to me, it’s just crass rubbish just put it on a plate where it belongs you kitchen Picasso. There is a lot of this doing the rounds now with your food going onto strange things. However, I have seen it all now and in my local paper meaning it is happening somewhere local. So what does it have to do with breakfast?

In a Jar
A new diner called Munchies as opened up Crwys Road, Cardiff, synonymous with fast food, cafes/diners, and restaurants. Munchies will specialises in dishes made from cheese, but has come up with the unique way to serve up their full Welsh. They are going to plunk it in a mason jar (see picture) although it can be served at the cafe on a traditional plate which is very sensible. The jar containing all the components of a traditional fry-up, including an egg, sausage, beans, a hash brown and even two slices of toast.

I couldn’t imagine digging around in a jar for my breakfast even as a takeaway. I would avoid a jarred breakfast like the plague or any other strange such brainless utensils they come up with. What next breakfast on a bog (toilet) seat!

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