Friday 17 March 2017

I don't like Green and hate Paddy Day

Here I go again I am ready to drop some hate on Mother’s Day but before that it is time to give Saint Paddy Day a kicking. I am a Welshmen and a Catholic, my granny was a card carrying full blown Paddy from the South of Ireland. I can truly say I hate this over commercialized celebration, yes I do, vigorously.

Maybe years ago it was a nice tradition before it became an excuse for one giant green clad piss-up. Saint David’s Day can pass by with a whimper, a few flags, and other low-key celebrations but today pubs will be as if they were in Dublin not in the capital of Wales.

You can stuff your shamrocks, green beer, and Guinness where the sun don’t shine, and you can also stick “Oh Danny Boy” which will probably be playing on a loop on a jukebox somewhere (written by a Englishman) in the same place. I am sure Saint Patrick would turn in his grave to see what has become of his day.

There will be many fake Irish exaggerating their heritage, ‘like my great, great granny once kissed a Irishman’ or my granddad ate a potato and it was from Ireland so meaning I am 100% Irish. You could turn up in some paddy pub dressed as the hated Oliver Cromwell, offer to buy around and become life and soul of the party.

This years Paddy Day falls on a Friday so the celebrations could turn into a long weekend.

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