Friday 23 December 2016

Christmas Eve 2015 (My Day)

After an unrestful night, no change there I was up bright and early for my Christmas Eve trip to the butchers cashing in our Christmas savings club. We will have enough meat to last us at least two months of Sunday cooked dinners. All paid for via our Christmas savings club.

This Christmas Eve the shop was surprisingly empty, no queue outside which was a plus because as I was in the shop it started to build. There would be mountains of meat around the shop heart breaking for your average vegetarian.

When I got home, I thought I had been short-changed and when back to the shop only to find out it was my mistake. I left the shop sheepishly and embarrassed it was packed. Home again to wait on the wife’s carer so her and the boys could go shopping.

Before that, I call in at the corner shop for my regular collection of papers because none is sold Christmas day and I need a paper fix I picked up six. Three I would keep to read Christmas Day. A bit stupid I know but I do enjoy reading newspapers and like books over reading them on the internet or using a Kindle, I prefer to turn a page than slide a computer screen.

With Glenys suited and booted, it was time for her, Simon and David to nip to the local Tesco for some last minute shopping. No problem for Simon but like the previous Christmas Eve the little one (David) was having problems getting out of his pit as I began to hit boiling point with anger. Once I decided to join the shopping party, it makes David leave his pit and his soon creeping up behind us.

It was not that busy but later we were told it would be crazy with shoppers looking for bargains from the meat and poultry section. This is a last minute top up shop trip for bread, fruit, and veg the main target.

In the afternoon we looked forward to Glenys friend Lucy popping in with her daughters. We normally have a little gift. Christmas is about younger generation and without access to our granddaughter, I feel we miss out. James was home but we didn’t see much of him he was here for Christmas dinner and the grand money exchange.

No cooking tonight we finished off the day with a curry from Love Curry and sat back waiting for the delivery guy to knock the door. I made sure there was room and chowed down with it arrived.

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