Friday 9 December 2016

Satsuma from Gods own garden

If the sprout is the spawn-of-the-devil, thank God that he fought back to give us the Satsuma just too even up the score.

I know they are available year round these days, but back in my youth, they were a Christmas treat and still are for me, as they always taste better this time of the year. Has a kid it was the first thing I would look for in my Christmas stocking. I would bypass the chocolate, sweeties, and other fruits to devour it first.

I still love them, and can eat a whole carrier bag full in one sitting and I am not joking. I can remember the good old days when you could get 20 for £1, these days you maybe could get 10 for the same price but I know it is five for a pound in Tesco. I begrudge having to share them. I would give my last Role away before my last Satsuma. I love them so much I keep them at the side of my chair just to make sure they don’t disappear.

There are imposters about, clementine and mandarins both are vile pieces of work and could be the spawn-of-the-devil. They are tight skinned, as an orange but unlike the Satsuma, which feels loose to the touch and easy peeled.

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