Sunday 2 July 2017

Doctor Who Finale - TV Review

The Doctor Who finale threw up a huge shock, with David Bradley playing the First Doctor (William Hartnell) arriving in a snowy wasteland to meet Peter Capaldi's current Time Lord... who did not regenerate.

That will now happen in the Christmas special I guess, as we know Capaldi is leaving the show and it was confirmed his companion/sidekick (Pearl Mackie) Bill is also leaving the show after she dies or did she and human again thanks to Heather who we last saw in the opening episode of the series.

Bill develop what turns out to be a mutual attraction to Heather “The Pilot", fellow student in this finale, as she still wanted to make Bill her passenger. Heather is some kind of fluid based alien. Bill disappeared with Heather holding hands and jumping through the TARDIS door after Heather mysteriously sets the controls.

The time lords plus sidekicks are now on a level of the colony ship, which contains a solar farm where some adult humans and a large number of children are being protected from the Cyberman. Nardole the other companion/sidekick was also set to leave the Doctor’s side he was left behind on the giant colony ship in the event horizon of a black hole after beating off the Cyberman.
Other huge shock saw The Master and Missy who are one in the same and a bit creepy when The Master hit on Missy but it lead to an epic showdown.

Missy gets the first move when they embrace and she stabs The Master who collapses into Missy’s arms. She helps him onto the lift as Missy turns and walk away to help the Doctor she receives a blast from The Masters sonic screwdriver. She lays there looking dead while The Master heads down to the first floor in the lift and his TARDIS clutching a wound.

What an episode for The Doctor himself, and we see Capaldi at is best and it looks like he will now regenerate on Christmas Day after seemingly being killed by a blast from a Cyberman, then doing everything to try to prevent regenerate.

Has he lays there in a blackened and smouldering countryside his eyes slowly close. We then see Nardole standing in a bright green field outside the lift door. Then the Bill and Heather scene where Bill is standing outside her Cyberman suit, which falls to the floor and Heather, appears from a puddle and they kiss and take the Doctor back to the TARDIS. Has he lays there regeneration looks to be beginning and then we are treated to some flash backs to previous Doctor’s and companions and he then jumps up saying he does not want to go.

He stumbled from the TARDIS into a snowy wasteland to be greeted by the First Doctor, the grumpy old granddad first played by William Hartnell when the sci-fi series began in 1963. Doctor Who writers had delivered a huge shock and a brilliant twist!

The First Doctor is central to the upcoming Christmas special, which will see Peter Capaldi’s Doctor at last regenerate into the latest incarnation of the Time Lord. But who exactly that remains a closely guarded secret…

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