Thursday 30 July 2015

What to do about Calais

Watching the news about the migrants at Calais storming the Channel tunnel it would seem some got through and you can bet they were straight on their mobiles to tell their mates who didn’t make it.

There in itself is a good enough reason to hang around in the jungle, the migrant’s camp outside Calais because maybe next time it could be them. That is why so many are persistent. It reminds me of prisoners of war making a ‘home run’ and all the prisoners cheering their success and you can bet news that some made it through brought the same response in the jungle.

Politicians like to talk doing little but make speeches and promises. Prime Minister Cameron said he would sort out the immigration problems back in 2010 in failed whatever the plan. What are politicians do while all this is happening …. Most are on their 8-weeks holidays and out of the office.

The Prime Minister is out of the country talking fences while The Home Secretary announced £7m in funding to bolster security but that could be the money for what the PM announced. France is blaming Eurostar at the Channel tunnel for cutting back on security staff leaving police resources stretched. In addition, they stating it was easier to work in the UK’s illegal black jobs market than anywhere in Europe.

UKIP are jumping up and down about sending in the army, which I couldn’t see the French government being happy with, foreign troops on French soil. The right-wing press are shouting from the rooftops blaming the French but forgetting if the French were to kick British border staff out of Calais it would make it worse. It puzzles me why people are allowed to walk around Europe without papers or any identity.

What to do with those who want in but doing it the naughty way – slam the border shut tighter than the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne pockets. If you think about the cost of legal immigration and the cost to the economy higher more border staff and search every lorry and car because it one gets through it will never stop. For those who employ illegal migrants they should be hit hard in the pocket and hit them doubly harder the next time if they do it again.

I can’t see this going away anytime soon maybe we should have been in favour of identity cards when they were suggested. It seems all the migrants know the rules about how to get into Britain. So what to do! Like I mentioned earlier in this post shut the border tight and not just in Calais all ports of entry. Stop allowing people into the country without passports and only consider people with them for entry. Have a root and branch policy to hunt down illegal migrants already in the country and put a time limit on people from the European Union to come in and look for work.

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