Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Day I was not Lost - No Panic

I was listening to a woman earlier on the radio telling the listeners how she panicked losing sight of her son for under 5 minutes it got me thinking of the time I was left behind on a shopping trip to town.

I was 10, coming on 11 and this was 1970 a long time ago. I must say first that I was very much a level headed kid at the time, an idiot sometimes but not someone prone to panic. When I was left behind, I would categorically deny I was lost.

It was the end November, a Saturday afternoon, and we were out getting some Christmas shopping done. Mum would rarely do shopping in town unless it was something like Christmas, buying clothes but I would regularly go with my dad to town.

On this day, I remember we were on Queen Street one of the busy shopping thoroughfares in Cardiff and for me at 10 it was like the land of the giants. We had just left Woolworths and on the way out I was separated from my parents and the rest of the family and I was about to undertake my biggest adventure. I stood there outside Woolworths for what I though was a while but thinking back it must have been like a minute before I moved off. No panic, no crying, nor looking for help because I knew my way home. Mum and dad didn’t seek help or report me lost to the police I don’t know why I think they knew I would head for home.

In my little brain I decided to follow the bus route home easy enough but quite a walk well I didn’t have money for the bus. I was a good few miles from home so I headed for the bus stop and begun to walk home remembering to watch out for cars while crossing roads. Has I got to the end of St Mary Street I remembered a much quicker way home, more direct, then following the bus route, in fact it would bring me out nearly right on top of my street.

I skip down Dumballs Road coming out as I said virtually outside my front door. Mum and dad were not home, there were no police outside so I just sat on the wall outside my house and waited. I can’t remember how long for but it couldn’t have been that long before they walked around the corner laidened down with shopping with my brother and sister in tow.

Harsh words were said, shouted more like but I think they were proud I didn’t panic and was level headed but I knew my way around town if it was anywhere I was unfamiliar with I would have sort help. It was not long after this incident mum allowed me to travel via bus to my nans.

The few times I brought the subject (the day I was left behind) with mum, she would always quickly change the subject I think she was uncomfortable about it so I would never push it. I asked dad this morning and he couldn’t remember it and you know what! I believe him.

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