Thursday 5 May 2016

The New Day bites the dusk

So The New Day newspaper will be no more from tomorrow which owner and publisher Trinity Mirror have announced. The life of the paper was only a short 63 days because sales have crash downward since its recent launch.

Like many people, I picked up my free copy on launch day and I remember telling the wife it probably wouldn’t last 6 months, a bit optimistic on my part. The aim was for a circulation of 200,000 copies a day however, sales are reported to have been about 40,000 on a good day. After the freebie, I may have bought the paper twice more it just didn’t catch my imagination in other words not enough football chat.

Launched in February with a promise to be politically neutral and aimed at readers with limited time and although the paper had a presence on social media, there was no website. Newspaper sales have seen a sharp decline as readers switch to websites and free content on the web. Newspapers written are mostly 24 hours behind breaking news but can update their individual websites in minutes. Proving websites are the future and newspaper in the print form could be consigned to history.

Although I buy three newspapers daily, I get more news from newspapers website from home and abroad in my insatiable need for news. Today I was reading articles on the Sydney Morning Herald and the New York Times unthinkable until the development of the worldwide web. Newspapers can’t compete with 24hr news channels from the likes of the BBC and SKY and on digital platforms, you can get 24hr from around the world like Russia, America, and Europe.

In March, The Independent and its sister Sunday title when digital-only because falling sales and I predict it won’t be the last. It’s really sad if it does because like with books I personally like the feel of the newspaper and the turning of the pages.

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