Saturday 21 May 2016

Football League changes - The Future - Will it happen

Since reading about the possible changes to the Football league structure, I am of the mind to lend my support as a fan but if I were an owner the possible loss of income would be worrying.

If you haven’t heard the proposal the Football League want clubs to make a decision that will be put to its members at next June’s AGM to radically overhaul the league and create an extra division with 20 teams meaning a 100 teams in five divisions, up from 72 to 80 Football League clubs, 100 counting the Premier League. Agreement is needed by November 2017 and a 90 per cent approval rate, or 65 of the current 72 clubs, is required to get permission to proceed.

The new fourth professional division and the reduction to 20 teams in each league would virtually end midweek fixtures. Cardiff City would than play just 38 games in a Championship season rather than 46. The would leave maybe 6 weekends for cup games more if a few league games are played midweek. That would mean only 19 league home games on the up side for those who like season tickets there may be a price reduction.

It would bring the Football League divisions into line with the 20-team Premier League. Promotion and relegation and the play–offs would still exist but some owners of small teams a worried about their finances with match days their main option to collect revenue.

Rotherham chairman Tony Stewart said he was concerned the proposal could widen existing financial gulfs between the divisions.
"There is also a divide between the Championship and League One and Two and the gaps need filling in."
"Why? What they don't understand is that currently we have 23 home games. We need the crowds. We don't get the money Championship clubs get.
"Losing four home games means we lose four incomes. It's not so bad for us but for teams like Accrington and York that's a lot of money. It's ridiculous."
Accrington owner Andrew Holt said: 
"I don't recognise it as a sensible plan. We want more games. We'd rather play 50 home games.
"We need revenue. We don't want to lose any games. I don't recognise it as having any sense.”
Bradford joint-chairman Mark Lawn told Press Association Sport: "We've had this structure for years because it has suited the majority of clubs, so why change it?
Accrington Stanley survive on one of the smallest attendances in the Football League with an average last season of 1,951, figures helped by a promotion push. Only Morecambe had the worst attendances with 1,583. With Saturdays freed up teams could play their poorly supported Johnstone's Paint Trophy games on those Saturdays?’ Weekend games tend to have more fans through the gates. One option if the plan is adopted rather than phased in, meaning one season of mass relegations, including at least 12 clubs from League Two, and potentially the promotion of eight teams from the National League to make up the new Division Three.

The Premier League and the FA are backing the proposals in principle. Looking at the reaction on social media outlets, the fans are split along the lines of their positions in the league. The lower down the Football League you go it’s about finances while Championship teams are bemoaning the lack of fixtures and midweek games.

I love my football as much as the next fan but I want to see the league progress I would miss the midweek games but I expect cup games to fill the void. Anyway from the response from some club there will be no chance of a change to the structure to the league happening.

The old chestnut regarding the big Scottish two Football could be back on the table with League chief Shaun Harvey not ruling out the possibility of Scottish giants Celtic and Rangers joining the English game saying,
"The whole discussion can be had. But I suspect the wider this gets drawn, the harder it would be to deliver to our clubs and the rest of the stakeholders in the game."
Throwing in a curve ball into the mix, I would like to see a team from Northern Ireland in the league, possibly a franchise club. Probably too much for most but if the Scottish two were somehow drafted in why not.

Some other plans on the table is a winter break and the end of cup reply’s, which I have always agreed with unlikely the winter break.

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