Saturday 10 September 2016

Tough being a Bluebird - Bluebird til I die

At the opening of the new season, I was talking top six finish and who knows after that but after the sixth league game of the season I am thinking a relegation battle could be on the cards. I like to say it like it is and if it was the best that we could hope for I would take it today, a mid table finish.

Soon as the team was announced, social media pronounced a defeat as sceptical fans lost hope in Cardiff City boss Paul Trollope. Norwich took a 2-0 score line until around the last ten minutes including injury time when there was a ‘GOAL’ and a rare one at that because it was by a Cardiff City player, step forward Anthony Pilkington. I nearly forgot how to celebrate a Cardiff goal.

With the game poised for the greatest comeback since Lazarus, it was short lived that glimmer of hope was cruelly snatched away when Norwich put a third in the back of the net oh woe is me being a Cardiff fan. Pilkington was back to score a second to take the top scorer spot from own goal and double the goal tally from 4 after six league games.

Too early in the season for the all-important ‘6 point’ games meaning a must win game with the next two games relegation battles. On Tuesday Cardiff are on their travels to Preston who are just off the bottom of the league and on Saturday Leeds visit Cardiff who may still be in the bottom three if they don’t win their midweek fixture.

Bluebird til i die

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