Friday 2 September 2016

First day in big school - 1971 - Mostyn

I was standing outside this morning and living close to a number of schools seeing all those newbies reminded me of my first day. It was away back in 1971 and their I was in my new school uniform walking out of my house down the street in my new shinny shoes to catch the bus to the bus station to then catch the school bus. The bus stop was loaded with my friends from junior school all heading to our different school around Cardiff looking at a new future.

That the school we all stood around in our It was not long before we were heading for the school hall for sorting out to our classes. Everyone was checking out one another as we waited to be divvied out to our classes and new schoolmates, hopefully and time to man up to the new situation.

The names were read out starting with the brain heads going into 1A followed by 1B, 1C, 1D. It was hard being parted from your mates but lucky for me mine were going nowhere too fast well most of them. All good things have to come to an end as Cipriano Perez (my best friend) and I were separated.

We had been together since the first day in infants when we were taken out of the classroom within minutes of our first day for crying. We spent about 30 minutes playing with wooden blocks until we calmed down. He landed a spot in 1D, oh the pain it was like losing a twin. During the summer, we made plans about us in big school and now we were separated. The thing about Mostyn was its size, so many kids so many new distractions.

Surprisingly with two classes to go I was worried I could end up in the bottom class, that wouldn't be my finest hour but there was still a lot of us St Cuthbert kids still waiting to be allocated a class. One by one my friend marched over to join the form teacher for 1E while I panicked I was heading for 1F, the bottom class. Then my name was called Ugarte, Peter. I was overjoyed to have made the cut to 1E and it was like a St Cuthbert’s boys reunion. To this day, I hate alphabetical order.

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