Tuesday 20 September 2016

Mayflower Curry Sauce - Curry Heaven - It’s a sexual kind of thing

I was tidying the freezer earlier and I was pleased to see we had a few of my favourite curry sauce in stock. One of the greatest discoveries I ever found lurking in a shop freezer.

I am talking about Mayflower Curry Sauce the frozen variety (see picture). Besides the frozen version it comes in other ways but I love the frozen offering just pop it in a pan of boil water, so ruddy easy.

I came across it in a local shop many years ago and once tasted I was reeled in hook line and sinker and every time I walked passed the shop I would go and pick a few up. You can mix in any meat, fish, or veg to make a lovely curry or just pour it on some chips, it’s a sexual kind of thing. I sometimes just mix it up with some rice, just rice.

Therefore, you can imagine I was gutted when the shop had a makeover becoming a local member of some national chain and dumped my curry out of the freezer for an inferior product. Every corner shop I walked into I would check out their freezer for my curry heaven with just no luck. I felt lost living with this sub-standard product as the years rolled by.

During that time, we had moved and even my substitute curry sauce disappeared out of the freezer. Then one morning I got talking to Mr Petal owner of my local corner shop and we were talking about what new product lines he could give a go in the shop. I threw a few ideas out there then I reminisced about that curry, explaining the name and every little detail I could remember and he said he would look out for some.

Then like any morning, I nip around the shop for the morning papers not thinking this normal morning would turn into some really special, momentous, historic, earth-shattering occasion… drum roll please.

On paying for the papers, Mr Petal told me to look in the freezer and there they were I could have cry the years of pain just melted away the packaging looked a tad different but the deep colour of the curry was a dead giveaway. I scooped up five packets at a cost of (49p) each today’s price (59p) and a bargain. That night it was a plate of curry sauce and chips and I couldn’t wait for my first taste it would be the icing of the cake. It was spot on, the taste was everything I remember, and just how I recall it.

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