Thursday 22 September 2016

Our Tune - BBC 1 Radio - A Memory

If you are of age here is a trip down memory lane that could have you reaching for a hankie if you remember Simon Bates and ‘Our Tune’. I must say I had a tear or two myself sometimes with the accompanying music tugging at your heart before a word is spoken.

I don’t think there were many people who did not listen to it most everyone tuned into BBC Radio 1 back then be it in the office, factory, or at home. At precisely 11 am, the theme tune would start and then the soft voice of Simon Bates would read out a viewer’s letter. The normal was some disastrous relationship or a partner would leave but the ones that really got me involved the loss of kids, painful stuff.

However, it was not always doom and gloom some had happy ending as for say a couple falling out of love but realising actually they were in love and always were for a happy conclusion. There was often a song our tune that belonged to the couple, lovers or friends and meant something to the relationship. In was only a 10-minute segment in Simon Bates show but it was by far the most popular part and if I was near a radio I would switch it on just to listen to ‘Our Tune’.

When Simon Bates resigned from BBC Radio, he took ‘Our Tune’ with him only to revive it at other radio stations with it also appearing on TV. It was shown firstly on BBC1’s Good Morning with Anne and Nick and later on Sky One. However, it was never as popular as when it begun in those days back in the 80’s and 90’s were special times.

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