Friday 9 September 2016

Question Time - Nothing New - Corbyn v Smith

I was settling down to watch the Paralympics last night when I forgot the Question Time debate from the two contenders for the Labour leadership was on BBC1, so I quickly turned over.

No way can I be called a Corbynista I have shown that before with previous posts on Facebook and stuff I have blogged. It would be a miracle for me to see Corbyn in any other light than a loser in 2020 as I expect Corbyn to win the leadership battle without trouble. I have seen a bit of the challenger Owen Smith, but I was looking forward to them going head to head with an audience asking the questions.

The event held in Oldham and the BBC confirmed earlier in the day that there would be an even mix of both Mr Smith and Mr Corbyn’s supporters. However, while watching there seemed to be more Corbynistas than Smithers.

I didn’t think this hustings event would change minds. I couldn’t see a surge of Labour members rushing to the Smith side happening. Hosted by David Dimbleby who was on hand to make sure the debate would be fair as possible but with a hand full of loaded questions for both with EU lined up for Corbyn and for Smith with his achilles heel, Defence.

“You’re both unelectable,” said the first questioner. “Why don’t you both stand aside and let someone else unite the party?”
Corbyn was insistent he was the messiah who could lead the Labour party to an election victory while is opponent was unelectable. He also announced his victory would see people flocking back to the Labour party under his leadership, which saw a large section of the audience cheer. On the other hand, Smith was equally adamant that Corbyn was the problem citing the opinion polls. Few of the audience applauded, a larger number booed.

The topics came and went, but the divisions remained the same, though both achieved the same end with plenty of “You did this”, said Smith. “No I didn’t,” replied Corbyn. “You did” as they turned more personal. Will the Labour party split was another question pursued with some vigour by a studio audience member pointing the question in the direction of Smith asking would he work with Corbyn. No is the quick answer and no he doesn’t want to see the party split who does because that would be the death of the Labour party.

With the party torn to shreds neither of these guys can heal it or win the next election it could be Scotland all over again unless Theresa May screws up really bad and even then I thing she will still win. The Labour party tearing itself apart on primetime TV Corbyn came up with the laugh of the night for me when he played fantasy vote. I think he truly believes millions of people who had never voted before were desperate to vote for Labour at the next election.

That the end of Question Time most of the audience climbed over Own Smith to get close to the messiah Jeremy Corbyn for a selfie with Smithy more akin to a latter day Judas of the left sneaking out the door.

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