Tuesday 20 September 2016

That Hurt - The Clarks Pasties that wasn't

The newbies
Sometimes someone close to you can hurt you. It feels like a knife plunged into your heart that pain is so great. It happen to me this morning and the assassin was my father.

Let me explain how this all panned out.

Like every Tuesday morning dad came a calling to collect some prepared meals I had for him. He handed me his bag, which I put at the side of my chair asking him what was in there with no reply. We sit there chatting when he told be to look in the bag announcing that the Clarks Pie shop was selling my favourite Clarks pasties.

I thought the originals had been discontinued so I was excited.

The Originals
Joyous I was over the ruddy moon as I jumped out of my chair for the kitchen feeling as if I had just found the golden ticket for Willy Wonka pie factory. I fumbled through the bag and was disappointed they were not my favourite pasties in fact they looked nothing like them so what was dad thinking about.

I could have been annoyed but how could I be annoyed at dad.

Looking on the bright side, I have two pasties, which I wasn’t expecting to have this morning. Ok they were not the ‘ones’ but still I will enjoy eating them I thought to myself.

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