Monday 23 January 2017

Apple Tree Yard - Sunday Night Drama

Caught up with the BBC’s new Sunday drama “Apple Tree Yard” this afternoon on the iPlayer to see what all the hype is about concerning the series. Billed has a passionate affair between two middle-aged people with lots of sex in this hour-long opening of this psychological thriller.

It tells the story of a prominent geneticist, Dr Yvonne Carmichael (Emily Watson), who embarks on a secret affair with Mark Costley (Ben Chaplin), a mysterious man she barely knows. Now I have to say I took an instead dislike to Chaplin’s character the moment he slithered onto the screen.

Not saying Watson’s character was easy, but she was primed for the first smoothie to push her boat. Her knickers dropped faster than Usain Bolt’s 100 meters record. On the surface, all seems rosy with a great high profile career, with a devoted similarly successful husband, and two kids, nice house etc. However, in the opening we find her handcuffed, facing trial for some unexplained crime. Having not read the book I have no idea why she is on her way to court.

Sex yes! Shocking not really we go from a cupboard in the House of Commons to various toilets or alleyways around London. There is a harrowing rape scene at the end when a colleague attacks her. Meanwhile her husband Gary, it turns out, is a bit of a philanderer himself with the suggestion of sexual misbehaver with his young research assistant.

Who is Mark (Chaplin) I have no idea! Is he the civil servant we are lead to believe? I think he is some kind of spook and somewhat creepy. Gradually over the series, she begins to realise that there is much more to her lover than meets the eye, and she could be playing a very dangerous game indeed.

Will I rush to watch episode 2 next Sunday? I very much doubt it and will leave it for the iPlayer.

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