Monday 9 January 2017

Thirst (2015) - Monday night movie

I'm left scratching my head wondering why some people seem to have a hate on for this film after looking at reviews.

The story of the film is a group of wayward teens arriving at a desert boot camp, with no communication, and nowhere to run to, they realize their only chance for survival is to fight for their lives. Some will fall along the way, there is blood, and panic.

Thirst is not going to win any awards but that said it is an enjoyable, fun, Sci fi action romp. The casting for this film is on target, the pacing improves as the film progresses and for a relatively low budget film for example the aliens, the special effects are pretty decent.

There is also a subtle nod to Aliens II towards the closing scenes, for those paying attention.
I was never bored watching the movie I was entertained and that is all you can ask of a film. It’s a great one for a wet Saturday or Sunday indoors or a Monday evening with the wife watching 2 hours of soaps.

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