Tuesday 3 January 2017

Celebrity Big Brother is back

Its back Celebrity Big Brother: All Stars and New Stars launches tonight where some newbies will fight it out with some oldies from past shows to win what I have no idea, 15 seconds of fame maybe. The world can’t wait well Channel 5 and a few million or so watchers will be at the edge of their chair with excitement.

Not a fan. I just dip in and out throughout the series but I do like launch night where the z-listers fight for their place in the BB house. A bad video or VT can make or break a housemate’s future in the house, as the viewing public will soon have to play the game and find someone to hate, there as to be a love story in the show. I will be hoping on two suggested house mates, Jasmine Waltz and Bianca Gascoigne.

Presenter Emma Willis is the ' live launch’ Queen and we have had plenty of suggestions on who will be going in with a high quote of glamor type ladies with boobs more or less out for the viewing figures among male viewers who tend not to watch anyway.

Sex sells and one of the rumours is that the beds are a bit smaller in hope of generating some bed action. Hopefully not between the mother and son duo who are rumoured to be entering the house.

Glamour model Nicola McLean will be returning to the house outspoken and brash, Nicola will have no problem speaking her mind, and getting into an argument with her fellow celebs should she need to. Remember the annoying Jedward! Well the rumour mill suggest they could be in the house after another 15 seconds of fame after their last bout of fame ran out years ago.

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