Sunday 22 January 2017

'Fake' the new catchphrase of a Trump Presidency.

What as it been a day or so and already Donald Trump and his press office and the White House are proving to be prize dick heads. This so-called 'fake reporting' of the inauguration audience is a joke.

Trump comes out with figures of a million or more and he is still probably counting. When photographic evidence shows the true picture, he denies it. Maybe it is a case of ‘fake photography’ and ‘fake TV reporting’ it looks like the word fake will be the new catchphrase word of a Trump Presidency.

Later the White House press secretary took up the same point lashing out at the White House press core who must had trouble keeping a straight face going on about 'deliberately false reporting'. I was watching the BBC coverage of the inauguration event and they had a reporter stand more or less alone towards the end of the National Mall with very few people standing around, in fact all I could see were white mats laid down to protect the grass.

Former President Obama's inauguration in 2013, the lawns were packed from top to bottom. Official figures suggest as little as 250,000 were at Trump inauguration and even the TV viewing figures were lower than 2013.

This kind of thing does not bode well for the next four years if we are still here to see who the next President will be. Probably he will still be there from deep under Washington DC waiting out the nuclear winter.

British PM Theresa May is off to Washington next week according to reports in the press, the first world leader to meet the new US President brownie points to the British Government in the world order, is it? . A trade deal will be high on the agenda with Trump. How that will work with his America first mantra, I do not know.

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