Saturday 25 August 2018

Soccer Saturday, Radio, iffy stream, Final Score - All because the man loves Cardiff City

A trip today for Cardiff City to Huddersfield a game we needed to win and see a goal or two after going goalless for the two opening games of the season. Seeing the team, I thought ok manager Warnock knows his business so let’s go.

It was going to be an afternoon with Sky’s Soccer Saturday for me with former Liverpool defender Phil Thompson commenting on the game. An early pile up in front of goal between Nathaniel Mendez-Laing and Huddersfield goalkeeper Ben Hamer at full pelt, the clash saw the game stopped with the Cardiff player Mendez-Laing coming off worst he was stretchered off a bad start for the Bluebirds just a bit later the keeper when off as well has he couldn’t continue.

I found a radio channel broadcasting the game, happy now but still watching Soccer Saturday. There were iffy internet streams but soon as I found one the screen fills up with advertisements, a pain in the ass. The game was five minutes behind and I gave up at half time.

The pundit watching the game Phil Thompson announced the game so far was dire and so did I from what little I was hearing and the bit I saw behind the adverts. The only hope for this game was Warnock throwing a grenade into the dressing room.

The second half was just as bad we barely saw Thompson, and little chance we would hear him shout ‘GOAL’ from the background as he had nothing to report. That was until some action in the penalty area nothing to do would football. Fight, fight, there were some handbags, pushing, shoving, finger wagging, holding back in the area nothing to do with the ball much. The referee missed the bit of trouble and have to wander over to the linesman to investigate.

Cards were flashed and Huddersfield were down to ten men after a sending off and for the second week Cardiff were playing 10 men. The game now picked up but still my feeling was another 0-0 draw, come on Cardiff. Now watching BBC’s Final Score (I always turn over for the start) there was a bit of excitement with a chance for the Welshman.

The game picked up for Cardiff after the sending off but they couldn’t kill the game off to collect the much-needed three points and in the end settle for another point. Worried! No goals after three games and after the Norwich EFL Cup game Tuesday the Bluebirds face three games from hell.

Saturday 2nd Arsenal Home
Saturday 15th Chelsea Away
Saturday 22nd Manchester City Home

No easy points here I would think let along goals. It will be interesting to see how he plays the Norwich game. I expect he will rest most of his first team squad for the Arsenal game or will he try and build their confidence in the team by playing them in the Cup game. We will have to wait for Tuesday to see how serious he takes the game.

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