Monday 20 August 2018

Teacher was Hot

We’ve all had teachers we fancied maybe more than one which I am guilty of — I know girls who swooned over male teachers too — and, such was the impression they made on our young psyches, we can still remember their names. Mine was one of our English teachers, married with kids and her husband was a teacher at the school. Yes, I know her name and fondly remember her.

The good old days where teachers kept there knickers on unlike today were they are discarded fairly regular according to the press. All I had was the blackboard where if she were wearing tight trousers (She normally did) I would have and hope for a wiggle of her tight backside, and the odd bit of cleavage.

My boyish lust never went further than a longing look from afar, (the back of the class) but she did catch me out one time. After a moment of day dreaming she called me to her desk and finding myself a little aroused kind of shuffled to her desk wishing I had sat at the front of the class. Things were made worse because while standing next to her I could see down her blouse to her pert boobs, not helpful, and raised a laugh.

It was a mixed school so there were plenty of girls round it was not as if I was some frustrated boy stuck in an all-boys school. I just liked the older teacher I wasn’t really into inquiring a girlfriend because the girl I liked wasn’t interested.

Attractive young/older female teacher soon gather fan clubs and there were always the newbies being dropped into the boiling swamp of hormonal young males starved for a glimpse of anything, Miss Cross comes to mind. The opposite sex were also on the lookout I remember Mr Ackerman being popular. I never heard of a teacher or pupil getting it on but for a story about an out of the way spot, a teacher’s car, but that could be campfire stuff.

It must be an occupational hazard of being a teacher surrounded by all those teenage hormones looking for away out.

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