Tuesday 31 October 2017

Stuff Halloween where the sun don't shine

Without a doubt I f***ing hate Halloween and stuff your trick or treat and keep away from my door. I never liked it when I was a kid but didn’t mind dodging a bit of flour and eggs with my mates in the street that was about the extent of enjoyment.

From my memory as a kid which was a long time ago Halloween was a one day thing on the 31 October and then in the evening when it was dark. Now it seems the whole ruddy thing lasts for weeks.

It’s now become totally Americanised with kids hunting in packs with a parent or two in tow looking for handouts of sweets and any other goods like a new IPod or something. Even when you plan not to partake of the unwanted excuse of a celebration, you are not safe. I was once trick or treated in my local shop has I was in the queue. What can you do? I was standing next to the penny sweets so I had nowhere to hide so I stumped up like a good sucker.

What I find funny is kids looking for handouts will knock on your door but they won’t do a bit of penny for the guy these days. With the right spot you can bring in big cash doing some penny for the guy back in my day.

Once the whole Halloween thing instead of my normal take the kids out for the night. That year I soon became the patsy as word got around sweets were available. At the end of the night, I had two teenage girls knocking on my door “trick or treat mister can we have some sweeties” talking in away that could get you on the ruddy sex register.

The wife and I will be running silent and in the dark tonight, hoping it will be enough to keep them off our door.

I am and always have been a Bonfire Night person.

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