Saturday 28 October 2017

Frankenhooker (1990) a YouTube find - Film Review

Frankenhooker is without a doubt one of the most stupid, ridiculous, moronic, pointless, funny, and brilliant films I have seen in a while, and I watch many nonsensible films.

From the film's opening, we see our would-be hero working on a brain with an eye in it. This movie features several moments of delicious comic brilliance such as the out of control lawnmower sequence that sees the central character's girlfriend is tragically murdered and a rather tactless news report detailing said tragedy. Also the exploding whores and all the way down to the weather report which details a storm that is coming, I found there was plenty to make you laugh in Frankenhooker.
The footprint for this film is the classic Frankenstein story, and it should appeal to anyone who likes a cheesy 80's gorefests even this was released in 1990.

As I mentioned, the main character's girlfriend is killed in a lawnmower accident. The accident itself is a comic masterpiece, absurdly silly! Anyway, this accident leads our hero to the brink of madness (to which his mother responds to by asking him if he would like a sandwich), and he decides to make his girlfriend a new body from the parts of various prostitutes that he picks up. Of course, it doesn't quite go to plan, which leads him into all manner of weird troubles. James Lorinz takes the lead role of Jeffrey Franken (and his girlfriend's surname is Shelly...can you spot the tribute?).

Lorinz is great as the hero for the movie, he spends a lot of it acting on his own and he more than holds the audience's interest with his speeches and great accent. A film like this needs an offbeat star; and it has one in Lorinz.

Overall, this terrifying tale of sluts and bolts is sheer comic brilliance, and if you're a fan of weird and wonderful cult films, and even if you're not; you won't want to miss Frankenhooker.

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