Monday 21 January 2019

Brexit, Snap General Election, Second Vote ... Give Me Strength

Sitting in front of the TV yesterday morning watching the politic shows I cannot get over a possibility of a snap general election because this Brexit thing will never end. I can not see the Prime Minister getting a new deal to win the vote in Parliament.

Jeremy Corbyn as shown little interest in the Brexit debate is goal is a general election demanding the Prime Minister call one. The Opinion polls are consistently showing a tory win and it would be all about Brexit, the British people are sick about the whole subject. The second referendum is also on the agenda the first looks to be null and void by most politicians due because the outcome was wrong.

The vote was supposed to have been fix for remain to win but a small majority had other ideas. After a campaign scaremongering a second vote as been call for before the UK shrivelled up and sink into the sea. They care even trying to fix the vote via the question on the ballot paper some politician this morning was suggesting we should either vote on Prime Minister May deal or stay.

It will turn into an election circus I want to be able to see the news on TV without having to hear all the accusations, denials, and just plain lies.

I want to vote for the candidate of my choice because he or she is the best person for the job, not the lesser of two evils. I have no home for my vote if an election’s called I will not vote for Corbyn.
I want the fat lady to sing. I want the cows to come home. I am sick of hearing about May’s Brexit and Corbyn’s silence. I am sick of opinions, talking heads, racial bias, and prejudice.

It's really a surprise that any elections have come to this? I am not really surprise about the amount people disagree with polities now and sick of mud-slinging and dirty politics. When the people vote one way and the politicians just decide to deny the vote and vote against the people is wrong.

I have become a cynic of British politics. It is enough to make me want to burn my postal vote for any possible general elections but I will make do with spoiling my vote.

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