Wednesday 16 January 2019

I Liked To Mitch From School

I woke up this morning with memories of going on the mitch from school back in the day. Much to my annoyance, mitching was a fair bit of my schooling but to me it was part of school life in general. Could I put it down to my lack of final exams? Maybe not but mitching wasn’t an exam.

On waking up one morning, looking out the window I would just decide today is the day for a bit of mitching. Nothing was planned usually all you needed to do was front up at the bus stop (we were bused to school) and just ask around there was always someone up for a day off school. I really didn’t need anyone really, but it was preferred and helped wile away the hours.

It was crazy we would mitch technically a stone’s throw away from where we lived a mile or so from our front doors. Where would we hang out… around the Esplanade area and in an old school Eleanor Street most of the area was earmarked for demolition so we had plenty of places to hang out. Trying to stay clean was a major project.

Come dinner time we would head for Jimmy the Greeks fish and chip shop for a bag of chips and a drink with one eye out for anyone who may have known us but James St where Jimmy’s was situated was mostly boarded up ready to be bulldozed. Wearing a uniform, we did standout.

If it was sunny, we may sit around the New Park just chatting and hanging out or just have a wander along the riverbank and a chance for the odd fire. I was a bit of a firebug; I did like a good fire. Also, I liked the odd half day, school in the morning and a disappearing act during dinner break.

One of the funnier mitching missions which was always doomed to fail! On the bus home, we decide a mass mitch of all the boys from my class would be a great idea. When I say all one of us lived close to the school so didn’t get the message and found himself been in class the next day as the only boy in the class. It was never going to go unnoticed and the following day after the mass mitch of 4E, we found ourselves under the spotlight.

I was once asked if I would change anything about my schooldays meaning less mitching. No, I was never a bookworm and like I said earlier, it (mitching) was part of school for me and I did actually like school.

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