Thursday 24 January 2019

Body Snatchers (1993) - Film Review

Okay, the 1956 original paved the way and has to get the credit for that, but from an objective point-of-view, both the 1978 and this 1993 remake are better, scarier, more developed. I also liked “The Invasion” (2007) the same idea starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig with aliens and pods.

This film is set in an Army Camp. A teenager Marti Malone is spending her summer vacation traveling along with her father, an EPA inspector, her stepmother, and her young stepbrother to a military base where her father will inspect some toxic products. In a gas station bathroom on route to the camp a soldier advises her not to sleep, because they get you when you sleep, which scares her.

Once in the base, she buddies up with the daughter of the general in charge of the base, and a helicopter pilot Tim. Marti and her father see that people are acting strange, and sooner they find that aliens are cloning the human beings in the base and invading Earth. Beware the dustman who go from street to street collecting black bags, just the one and you no it's something sinister. Step-mom is first to turn and it’s not long before dad is away with the fairy’s her little brother succumbs to the pod people close to the end of the film leaving Marti and Tim to warn the world.

Marti have a good family body count she shot her father and chucked her little brother out of the helicopter.

The film convincingly portrays the body snatchers and their pods and the special effects alone make the movie worth a watch, even though the very end of the film is a favourite has Tim blasts away at army trucks full of pods.

As they escape to another army base Marti can’t get over what her step-mon told her, "Where you gonna go, where you gonna run, where you gonna hide? Nowhere... 'cause there's no one like you left."

There is little humour, little shows of emotion not all adding to the idea that people may be what they seem. A vastly underrated movie, as good as its predecessors.

My Rating

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