Saturday 1 December 2018

Christmas Countdown

So it’s Christmas … not quite yet as the countdown that is as begun. The decoration are going up slowly I was hoping an A-list would be switching on the Christmas lights but a last minute cancellation by Scarlett Johansson so it was left to me. Next Christmas maybe I should get one of those Z-list reality creatures.

I am so excited about this post! It means Christmas is closing in and my blog becomes a little bit Christmassy. (Note the change of my blog banner) I understand Christmas for some is just another day, a holiday and wish the whole Christmas crap would go away, but it is unlikely. I really can’t say why I am into Christmas in such a big way. Has a kid, older brother and later as a father I just find it a joyous family time.

Installed into me from a young age Christmas was not just about presents, food, and drink. Growing-up church and religion played a big part in my life and although I may be a lapsed catholic, I still remember and in my own way celebrate the real meaning of Christmas.

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