Monday 31 December 2018

New Year Resolutions But I Have Little Resolve

I don’t know who came up with the idea of making resolutions for the New Year and I can’t be bother googling it to find out suffice to say I don’t care. I have no checklist that I have been mulling over I don’t see the point. The only resolution I make I fail every year so why the hell should I bother.

Here are some of the more popular resolutions doing the rounds in the press
1. Dieting is top of most people’s list many like me fall to the wayside and get back to old ways.
2. Dry January, or any month, which is best for you. The month long, sobriety challenge is a very good way to save money and give your liver a breather. You could just pack it in all together doing it for that liver.
3. Get back to the gym or join a gym at a cost in other words get healthy. You could save money by taking up running, biking, or a brisk walk.
4. Quit smoking another opportunity to save a shed load of money and kick vaping into touch as well.
5. Ending plastic pollution is a good resolution and more recycling at home. Personally, I have big plans for recycling but I’m not declaring it as a resolution.
Suicide Diet
I am someone of little resolve, and this insufferable tradition means I start each year doomed to failure in most aspects. What positive purpose can be served by making promises, which I have, absolutely no hope of keeping? For instance, each year, my weight issues get an airing when I come up with some magical target, which I can only imagine. I have no will power and bouts of depression put pay to that. It is always the same! Maybe this is the year; maybe it is really the year this time. Who cares! I would like to think I do.

I want to live long and prosper.

I have been thinking about joining a slimmer’s club but I feel my resolve slipping away but I will not give up I will battle my demons alone if I have to, and be more positive and see where that takes me.
I am avoiding this trap of making resolutions, which I never honour anyway and leave it to fate. No, I will not be joining a gym; I may start walking more. Things like doing something unexpected, jump out of a plane wearing an extra-large plus size parachute will not be up for consideration either.

Suicide Fantasy
Then you get the fantasy resolutions people come up with like shagging Kelly Brook, ok that’s one of mine, but really, what are the chances. Winning the Great British Bake Off even if you can barely use the ruddy oven, or believe that big jackpot lottery win in 2019 is yours and spent the money already.

I am in the market to find a reason to be happy and that will involve weight loss but I refuse to make it a New Year resolution this New Year’s. If there was to be one thing I would ask for in the way of a resolution is that my football team Cardiff City rise like the phoenix, out of the doldrums and into a bright new future next season in the Premier League.

Now, that is one admirable goal. It also got me thinking; perhaps I was going about New Year’s resolutions all wrong. Rather than promise what I was not going to do, I should be more positive and only resolve to do more of those things I already like.

I would like to join something. Set a goal but for what? It must be something attainable not a fantasy, something within reach. With hours to go before mid-night and the chimes of Big Ben, I have to do a bit of thinking.

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