Sunday 26 March 2017

Sunday Crush – Ann Aston – The Golden Shot

She bounced into my life in the early seventies although she was on the screen in the show before I developed my crush due to the lack of the emerging hormones. She was a Sunday early evening lovely and girl Friday of one of my all-time entertainment shows “The Golden Shot”.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, “The Golden Shot” was a popular game show on ITV and while hosts changed, the one constant was Ann Aston. I am not going to bore you with full details of the show, because it is irrelevant but there is a short description below just to give you an idea.

The show was first aired when I was 6/7 and girls meant nothing to me other than a playmate I was totally innocent and about 2 or 3 years away from my first kiss. However, it came to an end in the mid-seventies I was fully aware why Miss Aston set my heart a flutter. From her blonde hair, fulsome bosom her smiley personality all lead to her becoming a crush. I cannot remember why one became the other but girls and woman were just different, I notice more about them.

That the time she was all over the press but the delectable and ditzy Miss Aston will be remember on “The Golden Shot” has the less than brainy assistant. Her job was to check out where the bolts had hit the targets and total up the scores looking gorgeous.

This show would see contestants mostly be telephone callers on the show, (phones in your home were rare in my street), and they would play the game by instructing a blindfolded cameraman to adjust their aim in order to fire a 'telebow' (a crossbow tied to the camera) at targets.

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