Tuesday 9 May 2017

I am obsessed with the Seventies

It was brought to my attention I am very nostalgic for the seventies to an extent that I am obsessed. Well it is true I love the seventies it is the decade that made me who I am and I turned out ok compared to some. So there is plenty of love about those 10 years.

It was a time of Growing, Learning, Lusting, Love, Sex, and Rock ‘n’ Roll! Well maybe not Rock ‘n’ Roll I was very much chilled out on Reggae, Ska, Two Tone with a sprinkling of Lovers Rock yes I was well chilled out in the seventies.

I often wonder what drives my passion for all things seventies. I guess, at its most base level, it is a way of escaping the present and retreating to a seemingly innocent era. I plonked neatly into the seventies as I was 10 years old in 1970 and 20 at the end of the decade covering the end of infants, secondary school, and early adulthood.

My blog is full of memories of the time from TV, films, music, and me.

I just love fantastic TV and cannot get enough of it, so investigating the vast back catalogue of archive material gives me the best chance of finding TV that I adore. In particular, having been born in the beginning of the sixties there was a lot I missed due to other activities like going out to play with my friends.

With the outset of the internet with sources like YouTube, bringing back nostalgia could not be easier. With many channels to feed, many archive shows are being rehashed much to my joy mostly. Recently I watched On the Buses the full series was shown on ITV 4 and thanks to YouTube I have been catching up with Please Sir!, and I Didn't Know You Cared.

Clothing back in the time was important but being active, it was about dressing for the occasion. If it were 1973 today, I would probably be wearing a butterfly collar shirt, tan top, patch pocket flairs, and platform shoes. Does not sound to good does it. But today in the right setting, you could look cool. Hair wise I would have been a bit of a mullet guy well as far as I could get in school before being spotted and told to get it cut.

Things changed slow I was allowed to wander further from home and with secondary school my friends base grow because I was meeting more kids from outside my area/neighbourhood. Leaving school things took a big step forward now I was a the door of adulthood and looking for work.

I, of course, am but one man, so the reasons behind my love of TV nostalgia and the seventies cannot be taken as the definitive word on the subject. Now, if you will excuse me, I am about to watch episode one of Survivors (1975 TV version series).

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