Sunday 16 September 2018

Killing Eve - TV Review - Another hit BBC Drama

The BBC have only done it again with another spy drama hit on their hands to follow the Bodyguard, with Killing Eve, which premiered last night. It clashed with the crap that is X-Factor and I can’t believe people are still watching the rubbish get on iPlayer and catch-up with Killing Eve. You can watch the full series on the iPlayer

A brutal and wickedly funny thriller, the eight-part series launched on BBC One last night after its US airing earned a rapturous reception earlier in 2018. The BAFTA-winning Phoebe Waller-Bridge developed the show for television she of Fleabag fame a fantastic comedy.

The opening sees a young woman in a cafe smiles at a little girl eating ice cream a few tables away from her. The girl does not respond, but smiles at the guy behind the counter when he grins. The woman imitates the grin and the girl smiles back at her. The woman gets up, pays her bill, and, as she leaves the cafe, tips the bowl of ice cream into the child’s lap and leaves with a grin we have our first glimpse of the hit woman Villanelle.

I thought to myself there was some quality here and was hooked straight away and within the first 10 minutes, I was so happy to have made the decision to watch over the film “Murder on the Orient Express” the 2017 star laden reboot.

She keeps her bullets in a drawer next to her tampons and other aids, and likes to relax with the occasional threesome and by faking her death in her handler’s apartment. By the end of the episode, she nipped to Vienna to slice a visiting Russian politician through the femoral artery while with his Polish girlfriend who flees to London. Her next hit she used a small boy to lure his grandad away from a Tuscan wedding, stabbing him through the eye with a poisoned hairpin she turned up for the hit in a pair of daisy dukes. She lays waste to half the hospital guarding the Polish girlfriend who was the only witness to his murder.

A British MI5 agent Eve (Sandra Oh) who we are introduced to suddenly as she cries out in pain, no she was not in danger unless you call laying on both her arms in bed dangerous. At work she is bored with her desk job and comes up with the idea the politician was not threaten by the killer due to the fact the killer was a woman. She starts to investigate the case but after the hospital killings, she is fired. Someone higher up the espionage food chain comes to her with an offer to continue her investigations.

What I like is Villanelle (Jodie Comer) the hit woman only uses her femaleness to get physically close enough to slice, stab or shoot her victims, not seduce them. It could have been easier for her to bed her victims and kill them in the throes of passion or has they sleep. There is sex in the drama for those who like that kind of thing and a warning to those who are prudish.

Her handler, as become worried for her mental health, or could she be enjoying her job to much. She was told to make killing the Polish girlfriend’s death look like suicide but went in guns blazing killing four or five. Eve has met Villanelle in the hospital scene and yet to realise it.

One of my favourite scene was the one where she was looking around a room and she was disturbed and needed to hit but where. The wardrobe! under the bed! no in a suitcase... Yes Jodie Comer hidden in one must be her party trick.

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