Friday 15 December 2017

The Orville – Venture into space with a new crew - TV Review

I heard about this a while ago and have been waiting for it to air in the UK even though I could have watched it via some iffy internet site early. I even swerved all trailers. Critics gave it a bit of a bashing but the nerdy Syfy community overall have welcome this quirky series.

I had heard it mentioned in the same breath as the film "Galaxy Quest" linking Orville with the same style, which was ok, I loved the film, but I think the series could be better. I said last night after watching the first episode “Star Trek on acid”.

It opens with Seth Macfarlane the lead character as Ed Mercer, coming home to find his wife having inter alien sex and we then jump a year forward to where he is given the command of the Orville. Now divorced she turns up as his second in command. The crew look like they will add fun to the upcoming episodes.

What we actually got is something much more like a proper Star Trek sci-fi, where the crew has chemistry and real character. There is obviously more comedy than in Star Trek the series, but not that much more; it's just that what is there is a lot sillier. Like Lieutenant Commander Bortus, comes from Moclans, they are a single-gender species. Who only urinate once a year? Isaac discovering what it means to be human (while still being hilariously and "racist"). The Orville made me laugh, watch anxiously in fear and anticipation, and expanded my imagination to what infinite possibilities await in the universe, an idea easy to enhance considering the abundance of cultures and lifestyles that exist even on a single planet.

You can't really review this without making comparisons to the new Star Trek Discovery series, so here goes. This is much better. Simple. It has much more interesting characters, who have proper development going on, and who actually interact with each- other on a personal level. There is action and fighting, but it's more grounded than the bombastic Discovery.

The CGI effects were top notch and was the spaceship, we get to see the hostile alien enemy the Krill, and some good ship-to-ship action has the Orville a Planetary Union's exploratory space vessels takes on a Krill warship and you won’t believe how it was destroyed the Krill ship.
So, in case it's not obvious, I recommend this series.

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