Thursday 14 December 2017

Christmas Savings - Stress Free Christmas

Financially Christmas is hard and even harder if you are on a low income as many are today. We know the feeling. At one time, we delved into the world of loan sharks and high interest loan companies who knock on your door for our Christmas. We broke that cycle of madness years ago now our Christmas are not financially worrying as back then and it helps that our boys have grown up.

We first tried Christmas hamper companies, which were ok, but once you do the maths they were coming in rather expensive. Like a meat hamper, it was cheaper if sourced locally so I sat back and thought it through. On the plus point, it was low weekly payments and it was not just food but shopping vouchers. Still I knew we could do better.

Still I wanted to streamline the whole Christmas thing so it was bye to the hampers companies, and more importantly, we decrease slowly our dependence on loans from these less than friendly loan companies, until they were no more.

There are better ways for saving for Christmas. we decided to take advantage of the many supermarket saving clubs. We use Tesco has we have a Metro close by who use a stamp and points system. For every pound you spend, you receive a point and over the year, we receive about £65+ in vouchers and buy one £1 stamp per day, which gives us over £300 to cash come Christmas. Other supermarkets have other ways in Asda you can top up a special card.

We also save money at the local butchers, which is a few pounds a week. It is important to help local shops when you can. We notice the quality of the meat and we could probably buy it all cheaper in a supermarket but we are willing to pay extra for the quality and not just for Christmas. It is surprising how many shops run Christmas clubs, which may help or sell gift card that can be use as cash at any time.

I would also recommend your local Credit Union a very cheap way to get loans and they have a Christmas savings club as well. We have been members of the Cardiff Credit Union for years. Christmas should not be a time of worry and financial pain it should be about family and enjoying yourself and remembering the meaning of Christmas.

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