Monday 4 December 2017

Remembering our first Christmas - Allansbank Road - Peter and Glenys

The first Christmas Glenys and I spent together was in our old flat on Allansbank Road. It was the only Christmas we spent alone before the kids started arriving. We didn’t have much money so presents were sparse even if we were shopping at the old Hyper Value Store the original cheap kind of pound shop.

Between us, we knocked-up a decent Christmas dinner, Turkey with all the trimmings in our tiny kitchen. In between, we sat about the flat watching TV. When the food was ready we sat down at the table by the window just after 12:30pm, it is an Ugarte thing. Just the two of us munching away at our dinner it was very strange for both of us coming from large families. I remember that for Christmas Day it was a fine sunny day.

I quite like the idea of a quiet Christmas day this would be the only one I have ever had, well the morning anyway. The afternoon was another thing and far from quiet with the arrival on mass of Glenys’s family.

The flat was full to busting and it was a big flat, but she has a big family. We sat around and had a chat and then we walked over to the cemetery to visit the grave of their mum and dad. It was a lovely sunny day I remember and not too cold with the sun shining. I was glad to have some peace and quiet when they went home.

The rest of the day was TV, Only Fools and Horses "To Hull and Back" was the highlight and I was lucky it didn’t clash was Coronation Street.

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